************************************************************************************ :mod:`motmot.wxglvideo` -- CPU friendly display of uncompressed video using wxPython ************************************************************************************ .. module:: motmot.wxglvideo :synopsis: CPU friendly display of uncompressed video using wxPython .. index:: module: motmot.wxglvideo single: wxglvideo The wxglvideo package allows rapid display of numpy arrays into wxPython OpenGL contexts. In particular, it defines a class :class:`~motmot.wxglvideo.wxglvideo.DynamicImageCanvas`, which is a subclass of :class:`wx.glcanvas.GLCanvas` into which arrays are blitted. By using the :mod:`pygarrayimage` module, it is possible to enforce that no copy is made of the data on its way to OpenGL, ensuring minimal resource use. See also :mod:`motmot.wxvideo.wxvideo` for a similar module that does not make use of OpenGL. Screenshot of the :command:`wxglvideo_demo` program, included with wxglvideo: .. image:: _static/wxglvideo_demo_screenshot.png :alt: Screenshot of wxglvideo_demo :mod:`motmot.wxglvideo.wxglvideo` ================================= .. automodule:: motmot.wxglvideo.wxglvideo :members: :show-inheritance: :mod:`motmot.wxglvideo.simple_overlay` ====================================== .. automodule:: motmot.wxglvideo.simple_overlay :members: :show-inheritance: