Motmot camera trigger – firmware build and install instructions

This directory contains the source code for the motmot camera trigger. As this firmware is built using the LUFA library, that library is included in this source code tree. The motmot camera trigger is in Projects/MotmotCamTrig. The rest of the code here is a direct copy of the LUFA repository.


Note: the .hex file (encoded firmware machine code) is already precompiled as camtrig.hex (using avr-gcc 4.3.2 on Ubuntu Jaunty). Thus, you don’t have to compile this code unless you want to change something.

in linux

To build the MotmotCamtrig firmware (camtrig.hex):

cd Projects
rm -f MotmotCamTrig/*.hex MotmotCamTrig/*.o
make -C MotmotCamTrig

in Windows

A rough sketch is: compile with WinAVR. Follow the LUFA directions for compilation.

Loading firmware onto AT90USBKEY

dfu-programmer – linux

The firmware is loaded over the normal USB cable. You must boot your AT90USBKEY into DFU mode. After doing so enter these commands:

sudo dfu-programmer at90usb1287 erase
sudo dfu-programmer at90usb1287 flash MotmotCamTrig/camtrig.hex
sudo dfu-programmer at90usb1287 start

Atmel FLIP – Windows

Use Atmel’s GUI app to load the firmware (file MotmotCamTrig/camtrig.hex) to the device.

Installation to OS

How to get USB device recognized by Linux

To get your linux system to recognize the device copy the udev rules file to the appropriate location:

sudo cp 99-motmot-cam-trig.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

This will automatically allow users of the group “video” to access the device without special permissions. These instructions assume the video group exists and you are already a member. To check this, type:


If video appears in the output, you are already a member of the video group.

Finally, you will need for the above changes to take effect. The easiest way is to reboot your computer. If you want to avoid that, try this:

# Force udev to notice the new file specifying the group for the device
sudo /etc/init.d/udev reload
sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart

# Start a new shell with membership in the new group - this console only!
su $USER
# (Enter your password)

How to get USB device recognized by Windows

Follow the instructions here, although please note that I have not tried this. The Vendor ID is 0x1781 and the Product ID is 0x0baf for this USB device.